Ryan Dube is a freelance contributor to Lifewire and former Managing Editor of MakeUseOf, senior IT Analyst, and an automation engineer.
Updated on June 14, 2022 Reviewed byJonathan Fisher is a CompTIA-certified technologist with more than 10 years of experience writing for publications like TechNorms and Help Desk Geek.
This article explains how to insert a page in Word for Office 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word for Mac. The steps in this article work in Word for Office 365 or Word 2019.
Here are different ways to insert a page in Word.
The same features are available in older versions of Word, but menu selections may be slightly different.
This will insert an entire blank page after the cursor. You can either leave the blank page as is or start typing new content into your new blank page.
You don't have to add a series of paragraph returns to push your text to the next page. Here's how to tell Word you want to end the page early.
This will insert blank space from your cursor to an entirely new page, pushing the text under your cursor down onto the newly created page.
An even faster way to insert a new page break is placing the cursor where you'd like to create it and press Ctrl + Enter on the keyboard.
Another method to insert a page break is by using the Layout menu.
Choose Page in the Page Breaks section for a simple page break. Or you can choose the type of section break you'd like in the Section Breaks section. Options here include Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, or Odd Page.
What's the difference between inserting a page break or a section break? Both insert a new page for the text in the document. However a section break also lets you apply a different format to the new page if you'd like to. This includes different margins, headers and footers, and even page numbers.
How do I delete a page in Word?You can't just cut out a page from the middle of a Word document, but you can remove all of the text from a page, which will do the same thing. Manually select everything on the page and press Delete.
How do I delete a blank page in Word?Blank pages at the end of a document are from extra line breaks. Place the cursor as low as it will go, and then press Delete until the extra pages are gone.