Concurrent enrollment with the college of the redwoods is a great way to receive college credit, save money, and complete courses for your High School Diploma! Imagine graduating high school and already having a year done for a 4-year program giving you benefits of being upperclassmen to register for classes early and reduce costs in a bachelor program. PVCS online classes give students the flexibility to attend CR during the day. College credits count as double credits for high school and give a higher GPA. If you are a high school student on track to graduate with good standings, you can apply now.
Course selection depends on career needs or college degree. However, I highly recommend taking UC/CSU transferable courses to maximize money savings and knock out requirements for a 4-year degree. The courses below can be difficult and costly at a 4-year University. It is best to get them out the way now. Usually, these courses have a follow-up course for 2nd semester. Make sure you complete to get the full year.
A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Title II related to the accessibility of any official District/School web presence that is developed by, maintained by, or offered through the School, third party vendors and/or open sources may complain directly to a school administrator, or the school or District webmaster here.
Title IX: Students will be considered for admission without regard to ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, disability and/or achievement level. No admitted student will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance based on sex or gender.