SEO Agreement Template

This SEO Agreement is hereby entered into between [Sender.Company] (Provider) and [Client.Company] (Client) as of [Agreement.Date] .

Service Provider agrees to provide Client with Search Engine Optimization and Reporting Services as described in this SEO Agreement for the period of [Agreement.Period] . Project will start upon this agreement’s signing and conclude when all deliverables are completed and approved or termination has commenced of said agreement.

Client Details

This portion of the SEO services agreement template will allow your client to enter all of their personal information needed. Below this area in the SEO Services agreement template you will have a space to enter your details as a provider for your clients.

[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] [Client.Company]
[Client.Street] [Client.Email]
[Client.City] , [Client.State] , [Client.Zip] [Client.Phone]
City, State, ZipPhone

Provider Details

[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ​ [Sender.Company]
[Sender.Street] [Sender.Email]
[Sender.City] , [Sender.State] , [Sender.Zip] [Sender.Phone]
City, State, ZipPhone

For SEO professionals seeking to win new clients, our SEO Proposal Template is a valuable asset.


Client agrees to pay all fees as stated below. Any and all deposits must be received prior to the start of any services provided.



Using the text field below in the the SEO services agreement template you can document any and all deliverables that will be made during the term of this agreement.

The following items have been agreed and accepted as deliverable items within this SEO Agreement:


Provider agrees to provide Client with monthly reports detailing activities performed for the previous 30-day period along with the results of SEO efforts. Provider and Client agree to make themselves available for a monthly call to discuss this report and any upcoming projects related to this SEO Agreement.Provider agrees to make every effort to produce reports that are easy to read and comprehend and clearly indicate the benefits (if any) that SEO activities have had for the Client.

Assignment of Rights

For the purposes of receiving professional SEO services, Client agrees to provide the following:

Non Disclosure Agreement

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] agrees to keep all information obtained during the term of this agreement confidential. Client will not disclose any confidential information without prior written consent from owner. Furthermore, client agree to withhold the highest level of respect for all individuals employed by provider during and at anytime following agreement terms.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions portion of the SEO services agreement template will outline any and all applicable terms and conditions that may be necessary.


This area of the SEO services agreement template will list any and all termination clauses. We have included standard SEO services agreement termination clauses but you can add or delete any them to fit your individual agreement needs.

This agreement will come to an end if any of the following occur.

Furthermore, [Sender.FirstName] makes no guarantee/warranty of project timeline or need for additional expenses if any of the following occur without prior notification.

  1. Any file additions, or changes to folder, web document, widget or any functionality.
  2. Location of file changes (either to different domain or folder)
  3. Any modifications to text on a web document or in the title tag occurs, or any removing of certain HTML tags required for site authentication.
  4. Removing analytics code from the web page which is used to track website traffic.
  5. Renaming URLs of existing web documents.
  6. Taking down the website or any portion of the website.
  7. Renaming, re-locating, adding or removing any file, folder or sub domain on a web server including web documents, robots.txt, .htacess file, sitemap.xml, rss.xml etc.
  8. Changes in the site architecture.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

In this SEO agreement governing law means which country’s rule of interpretation and legal remedies apply in case of any dispute arising out of the agreement. Jurisdiction means the place where your dispute will be heard. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of US, and the parties submit to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the courts of [Sender.State] in respect of any dispute or difference between the client and developer. Both parties agree to use all means of mediation to solve disputes before filing legal documents with said courts.


This final area of the SEO services contract template offers you the ability to send, track, and sign your agreement without the need to print or sign a paper copy.

By signing below both parties agree and consent to all terms and conditions above. Both signing parties agree to be legally able to represent and sign this document as responsible parties.